Healing from Childbirth-Related Trauma: Applying Shaklee’s Philosophy

As I reflected on aging and my personal experiences of physical and psychological trauma in childbirth, I delved into many books on health, wellness, aging, self-care, and self-development. Most focused on either science or spirituality, but none blended the two effectively until I discovered "Reflections on a Philosophy" by Forrest C. Shaklee Sr.

Childbirth, while a profound and joyous event, can also leave many women grappling with significant physical and emotional trauma. Drawing from my own journey of childbirth, Shaklee’s philosophy provides a holistic approach to healing that emphasizes the synergistic power of nature and human potential. By integrating Shaklee's insights, I believe that women with childbirth trauma can embark on a comprehensive journey toward recovery and optimal well-being.

Embracing a Holistic Philosophy

Harmonizing Science and Spirituality

Shaklee's philosophy is grounded in the belief that true wellness emerges from balancing scientific knowledge with spiritual practices. This holistic approach was particularly crucial for me as I healed from childbirth-related trauma. It involved integrating modern medical treatments with natural, nurturing practices to address both physical and emotional needs. Research supports the efficacy of such integrative approaches, highlighting improved outcomes in healing, anxiety reduction, and overall recovery.

Incorporating mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or gentle yoga, significantly enhanced my relaxation and spiritual healing. These practices, when used alongside prescribed physical therapies, led to a more holistic recovery experience.

Nature and Human Potential

Shaklee profoundly respected the healing power of nature and the untapped potential within each person. Utilizing natural methods aided my body’s recovery processes while fostering a deeper connection to the natural world. This approach aligns with contemporary research that underscores the benefits of natural supplements and organic products in promoting health and wellness.

Leveraging natural supplements and practices meticulously designed to support overall health enhanced my body’s recovery processes effectively. These provided essential nutrients that were critical in the trauma-healing process, thereby supporting my physical and emotional well-being.

Practical Steps to Recovery

Positive Thinking and Self-Awareness

Healing from trauma often necessitates a shift in mindset. Positive thinking and self-awareness were essential tools in empowering me to take control of my recovery journey. Evidence suggests that maintaining a positive outlook can significantly impact mental health and accelerate the healing process.

Keeping a gratitude journal was a practical method for me to focus on the positive aspects of each day. This practice fostered a positive mindset and enhanced self-awareness, which were crucial for my recovery.

Sustainable Living

Adopting sustainable living practices can reduce stress and promote a sense of accomplishment and control, which are critical during the recovery phase. Sustainable living not only benefits the individual but also contributes to a healthier environment, thereby creating a positive feedback loop.

Simplifying my home environment and choosing eco-friendly products made home care more manageable and less stressful. This allowed me to focus more on my recovery and less on household stressors.

You're not alone on this healing journey. Let us help you reclaim joy and wholeness after childbirth trauma.

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Understanding Interconnectedness

Interconnectedness of Life

Recognizing the interconnectedness of all life helped me understand that my well-being impacted not just myself but also my family and community. This perspective encouraged a more collective approach to recovery, fostering a supportive environment.

Engaging in community support groups for new mothers provided immense benefits. Sharing experiences and receiving support from others in similar situations fostered a sense of connection and shared healing, which was invaluable for my trauma healing.

Helping Others

Helping others is a powerful tool in personal healing. By supporting others, I found purpose and joy, which in turn aided in my own recovery. This altruistic approach is supported by research indicating that acts of kindness and community involvement enhance emotional well-being and reduce stress.

Volunteering in local mother-and-baby groups and offering support to friends who had negative experiences in childbirth created a supportive network. This network benefited everyone involved, enhancing the overall well-being of the community.

Holistic Well-Being

A holistic approach to well-being addresses not just physical symptoms but also emotional and social needs. This comprehensive strategy ensures a well-rounded recovery, aligning with contemporary holistic health practices.

Harmonizing science and spirituality with emotional support activities like therapy, counseling, or joining the Childbirth Collective community is the wise, effective way to achieve holistic well-being after childbirth trauma.


By embracing Shaklee’s philosophy, women can create a comprehensive, nurturing approach to healing from childbirth-related trauma. This journey involves harmonizing science and spirituality, adopting positive thinking, practicing sustainable living, recognizing interconnectedness, helping others, and focusing on holistic well-being. Through these practices, women can find strength, support, and a path to full recovery, embodying Shaklee’s vision of optimal health and wellness.

Let us help you reclaim joy and wholeness after your childbirth trauma.

Book your FREE Discovery Call here

Grace Wang

I am a catalyst for transformation, helping women find the strength and resilience within themselves to embark on a journey of inner healing. My mission is to remind women that childbirth wounds are not their fault, and that they have the power to choose how they live their lives in the aftermath of their experiences. By healing ourselves from the inside out, we can not only improve our own well-being, but also create a positive ripple effect on those around us, including our children and families.

As the founder and CEO of Childbirth Collective, I have created a safe and nurturing space where women can find support in healing from childbirth-related traumas. Through this community, women can rediscover their sense of self and come back home to themselves. We believe in the power of letting go of limiting beliefs that no longer serve us and replacing them with expansive and supportive ones.

Together, we can create a movement of women who are empowered to heal and thrive in the aftermath of their childbirth experiences. I am honored to be a part of this journey with each and every one of you.


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