Emily Peilan Emily Peilan

Confirming Session

As you schedule your session, you will be asked to agree to an energetic permission & agreement before selecting a date and time for your appointment. You will secure your session once that happens and your payment is made. All sessions are to be paid in advance.

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Emily Peilan Emily Peilan

Prep Work

Come to the session with a curious and open mind, heart, body, and spirit.

Try to have your schedule cleared for after your session that day/night to allow your body to further integrate the healing.

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Emily Peilan Emily Peilan


During the intro portion, I will leave it up to you whether or not you’d like to share what is coming up in your life, if you have any physical pain or points in your body you’d like me to focus on, and whether you’d like to share what’s emotionally and energetically present for you.

I have some clients who would rather not go into any of these details and just see what comes up during the energy healing for us to then discuss in the debrief portion of the session.

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Emily Peilan Emily Peilan

During Session

Come back to your breath during the session, it might feel like you’re meditating — thoughts might come in and if they do, you can gently let them back out and return to your breath and the present moment.

This energy healing portion is about 20-25 minutes long. It might feel like a longer meditation of sorts; however, you will shortly be able to sync in and drop into the experience.

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Emily Peilan Emily Peilan


We’ll debrief at the end of the session after the energy healing. If you’re open to it, I’ll share what intuitive guidance and messages came through for you as the energy healing was occurring. This is usually the longest section of time during your session.

Last but not least, I’ll pull an oracle card for you to close out our time together!

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Emily Peilan Emily Peilan

Post Session

I’ll send you your zoom recording in audio and video formats in a secure, password protected manner, along with a photo of the oracle card and oracle card description that’s chosen for you during your session!

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Water helps the healing integrate even further. Much like after a massage, the same is true with energy healing (aka energetic massage of sorts): hydration is key.

Rest and relax! Give yourself grace as your body further integrates the healing.

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Emily Peilan Emily Peilan

A Few Days Later

I’ll check in with you a few days following your session to touch base on how you're feeling and how things have shifted.

Feel free to refer back to your notes or re-listen to your session recording to recall specific details as time goes on.

I’m here for you if you would like extra support or clarity!

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